Nulty now offer educational seminars
Nulty now offer two Continuous Professional Development (CPD) educational seminars. A brief description of the Lighting CPDs is as follows:
Painting With Light
How do lighting designers work? What is our process? How do you go about creating a stunning lighting solution?
In this CPD we discuss some of the key requirements of a lighting solution including how to compose a lighting scheme and how to work with layers of illumination. We discuss the “tools of the trade” including new technologies such as LED and what pitfalls to look out for when specifying light fixtures. It is, after all, the mixture of creative thought, composition and careful use of luminaries that enables us to reveal the architecture of a space and “paint with light”.
The rules were meant to be broken…
What is legislation and what is guidance? What is required to meet the most current certification such as BREEAM, LEED, Code for Sustainable Homes, Part L, Scar and so on?
This CPD is a discussion covering current and upcoming lighting legislation, codes, guidance and certification. Such documents and accreditation provide a framework within which to produce a successful lighting solution. However, is sticking to the rules always the right thing to do? Are we becoming an industry of tick-box designers and in doing so do we loose sight of the end user? After all, isn’t it simply the job of lighting to provide an emotional connection to our environment?
If you’re interested in Lighting CPDs and would like to book a seminar at your workplace, or to find out more, please contact the team here.