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Aarohi Bhatt

Aarohi Bhatt


Having already obtained a Bachelor of Architecture in her home country of India, before joining Nulty, Aarohi lived in the cultural haven of Milan, pursuing a masters in lighting design from Politecnico di Milano. Consumed by the city’s architecture, art and food, she encountered inspiration everywhere she went – from the people she met, to each building she visited – making it one of the best experiences of her life.

Through her professional experience in interior and manufacturing design, alongside her background in architectural work, Aarohi quickly learnt how crucial lighting design is in realising a project. Having moved from the tropical, southern hemisphere to Europe (with its modest sun exposure), she also came to realise the impact quantity and quality of sunlight can make in an individual’s life. Viewing artificial light as a tool to balance our lifecycle and improve quality of life, Aarohi feels empowered to provide her expertise in an industry, which illuminates lives for the better.

Inspired by the vision, complexity and detailing of his work, Aarohi is an admirer of Modernisme architecture’s pioneer Antoni Gaudi. Influenced and challenged by the nature of his work, she aspires to work on some of his ongoing, incomplete projects – or on revamping one of his existing masterpieces.

A lover of travel and adventure, true to her childhood aspiration of becoming a pilot or travel photographer, Aarohi’s go-to destinations are those that hold a long, historical past that tells a story. With talents venturing further than her design sensibilities, Aarohi was a state level Rifle shooter during her high school and university days, and she continues to pursue the sport recreationally. She is definitely not one to cross!

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